Monday, July 13, 2009

Greetings from Bucharest

Dear All,

It was a long day today. Michael and I missed each other at the airport in Bucharest, and spent a couple of hours separated by about 30 feet of wall.

That was silly--and nonsensical.

But we finally figured it out. I found him at a coffee shop. Goodness!

Tonight we searched for a bar called "The Opium Studio" but it was firmly locked and closed, clearly in an attempt to keep us separated from discovering true Romanian society. So we ended up at bar where everyone was playing dice and cards. We wanted to play too, but everyone had brought their own dice, and we had none.

Indeed, there were many wild dogs.

We tried a fantastic Romanian beer called Ursus. It was skunky and fantastic.

See you on the flipside.

Kev Out.
Just flew over the ocean. I'm at Amsterdam Airport and it's about 9:00 a.m. local time, July 13. Waiting for the connecting flight to Bucharest.

So I read my guidebook about Bucharest on the plane. It sounds like it's going to be a memorable place to visit. One item that caught my attention is that Buchaerest has roving packs of wild dogs. Apparently a Japanese tourist was actually gobbled up a couple years ago. I'll try to keep close to the bookstores and libraries.

On the plane I had my first conversation about what I'm doing in Europe this summer. I explained about nonsense, and all that. The guy I was speaking to was an atmospheric physicist, and he seemed somewhat confused, but intrigued. There will be more of that to come, no doubt.

Must to Orange Juice Pouring Station.
