Right now to my left, Kevin is waxing sublime, about our experiences in Sofia today. I, of course, will fill you in on the really important things: pull tops, meatballs, and nonsense concraptions. First off, then, is the Bulgarian pop-top bottle. It is an odd combination of the old (for us) pull tops—the kind your mama told you never, never to put back in the can for fear of swallowing it and growing a pull-top garden in your belly—and a “regular” bottle cap. Click below to see my effortless and graceful demonstration of its unheretofore-seen beauties. Is this the portmanteau of the drinking world?
Our next stop through nonsensitivities is the issue of meatballs. I present to you Exhibit A, our menu from lunch today from what should have been Divaka (according to Lonely Planet) but turned out to be a slight variant of that. Apparently, meatballs in Bulgaria fulfill new roles we strict Westerners have never dreamed of: not only are there “oblong meatballs” (a distant cousin of Edward Lear’s “oblong oysters” wethinks), but also, apparently, “nervous” meatballs. They seemed slightly sweaty. Later in the day, we went to Krâchme Sam Doidokh, where, fortuitously, we were served what appeared to be oblong meatballs. We couldn’t confirm this because the waitress spoke little English, but their oblongevity was undeniable. And tasty. Speaking of Krâchme Sam Doidokh (which was a lovely lovely pubbish place filled with cats and friendly locals), I submit to you Exhibit B, a photo of the nonsensical concraption over the toilet. I will leave its uses, of which I am sure there are many, up to you, my dear readers.
Hmmmmmmm.... toilet time travel? safety device to prevent rearview meetings?